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SB 1329 (Parental Consent) and EMTALA

Posted 2 months ago by Teresa Stanfill

Smith + Malek, an Idaho-based business law firm, is hosting a free webinar for healthcare providers and administrators related to Senate Bill 1329 (parental consent) and EMTALA.


Caitlin O’Brien and Hannah Andazola will provide an unbiased legal perspective on the real-world impacts of these laws. Specifically, they will cover:

  • Legal implications of Senate Bill 1329 on parental consent in medical decisions.
  • Latest updates on Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) in Idaho.
  • Live Q&A session

Safeguard your business and practice from lawsuits arising from the most impactful legal updates affecting Idaho’s healthcare industry. At the end of this webinar, we aim for you to:

  • Understand Senate Bill 1329 on parental consent in medical decisions.
  • Learn the latest on Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) and what it means for you.
  • Partake in a live Q&A session.

Register here: